"Ballarat" came from "Balla" and "Arat", derived from Aboriginal words meaning elbow or reclining on the elbow (resting or camping) and place.
Ballarat's name derives from two aboriginal words meaning a camping or resting place - "Balla" meaning elbow, or reclining on the elbow, and "Arat" meaning place.
Well, l'm not really sure but l suppose it is the aboriginal people.... to them ballarat means: elbow land l think! not really sure.... sorry....
Ballarat is one of the biggest inland cities in Australia, it is home to the oldest standing theartre in the southern hemisphere, Her Majestys Theatre. The Victorian town of Ballarat is significant in Australia's gold mining history. It is where the Eureka Stockade - the great gold miners' rebellion of 1854 - took place. Ultimately, the Eureka Stockade led to democratic rule in Australia. The city's name derives from two aboriginal words meaning a camping or resting place - "Balla" meaning elbow, or reclining on the elbow, and "Arat" meaning place.
The aboriginal meaning for Moree is rising sun.
Warrigal comes from the aboriginal meaning wild dogs, or dingoes.
"Gilgandra" is a Wiradjuri aboriginal word meaning "long water hole".
the meaning for kalgoolie
Bulli meaning in aborigabnal culture
Yackandandah *IS* the Aboriginal name....meaning rock/waterhole when translated.
yes Alinta is an Aboriginal name meaning flame or fire