Experian can be contacted by calling 0844 481 8000 from within the UK. If you're calling the number from outside the UK, you would dial +44 481 8000
888-397-3742 800-493-1058
TRW is now Experian.
I just got off the phone with them. If you are sending certified mail to Experian. 701 Experian Pky Allen, TX 75013
This is a UK mobile (cell phone) number.
One can find the phone number for Experian on their website, and use it to order their free annual credit report. Alternatively, they can also fill out an online form, or physically mail a form to request their free annual credit report.
I just got off the phone with them. If you are sending certified mail to Experian. 701 Experian Pky Allen, TX 75013
That is a number registered in the UK... More precisely - it's a mobile phone number.
add +33 before the phone number when dialing it.
Just dial the number, all the numbers are the same type regardless of how the phone is physically connected. The code for the UK is 44.