Scheria, the home of the Phaeacians.scheria
Presuming you are talking about the gift the god of the winds gave Odysseus then they didn't exactly misuse it. The winds that would drive them away from their destination were tied up in a bag. So Odysseus told no one to open it. However he didn't tell his crew why so they grew curious thinking there may be gold or jewels in it so they opened it and setting the winds free got lost all over again.
Eurycleia recognizes Odysseus purely by his scar.Eumaeus and Philoetius recognize Odysseus by his scar after Odysseus reveals who he is. Laertes, Odysseus' father, also recognizes Odysseus by his scar after Odysseus reveals his identity.
Aeolus gave Odysseus the bag of winds as a gift to help him reach Ithaca safely. However, Odysseus' curious crew opened the bag, thinking it contained treasure, which released the winds and blew them off course. Aeolus released the west wind this time as punishment for their failure to reach their destination.
How many years was Odysseus gone for How many years was Odysseus gone for How many years was Odysseus gone for How many years was Odysseus gone for How many years was Odysseus gone for How many years was Odysseus gone for
Penelope was Odysseus' wife, and Calypso and Circewere Odysseus' lovers.
Odysseus angered the Sea God Poseidon after befuddling, tricking, humiliating and blinding his son Cyclops Polyphemus. Odysseus had too much hubris and started to taunt Polyphemus giving his name and destination. In turn, Polyphemus prayed to his father to punish Odysseus. Therefore, Poseidon gave him a hard journey back to his home Ithaca.[It takes 10 years] "Hear me, Poseidon Earthholder Seabluehair! If I am truly thy son, and thou art indeed my father, grant that Odysseus the conqueror of Troy - Son of Laertes - whose address is in Ithaca, may never reach his home! [Homer, Odyssey, 111]"
how did odysseus prove who he was