The national or state capital city of Sikkim is Gangtok, now held by the Republic of India, since 1974.
Gangtok is a city in NE India, the capital of the state of Sikkim.
Gangtok is the capital of the state of Sikkim in India.
The Rhododendron niveum is the national tree of the disputed territory of Sikkim.
The Noble Orchid (Cymbidium goeringii) is the national flower of the disputed territory of Sikkim.
The Blood pheasant (Ithaginis cruentus) is the national bird of the disputed territory of Sikkim.
The Red panda (Ailurus fulgens) is the national animal of the disputed territory of Sikkim.
Yes. Canberra is the national capital city of Australia.
Yes. Lisbon is the capital city of Portugal.
The capital city of Egypt is Cairo
The capital city of Canada is Ottawa