The most populous city in North America is Mexico City, in Mexico. It has a population of over 21 million people.
Mexico City - 19,231,829 inhabitants.
Mexico City, or the City of Mexico, is the capital and most populous city of Mexico.
Mexico City is the capital and most populous city of Mexico.
Mexico City is the capital and most populous city of Mexico.
Mexico City.
Mexico City is the capital and most populous city of Mexico.
Mexico borders southwestern US. Mexico City is the capital and most populous city of Mexico.
Acapulco is a city in the state of Guerrero in Mexico. Acapulco is not a capital city. Chilpancingo is the capital city of Guerrero, Mexico. Mexico City is the capital and most populous city of Mexico.
Albuquerque with a 2008 population of 521,999.
For being Mexico's second largest city after Mexico City, and the country's third most populous city after Mexico City and Guadalajara. Also for being Mexico's industrial capital.
With a population of 4,095,715 (2008), it the second most populous metropolitan area in Mexico, behind Mexico City.