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The Hungarian revolution was origanally a student protest which turned into a revolution and resulted in the overthrow of the Communist party in Hungary. Sadly, the revolutionaries expected help from the west and it never came.

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14y ago

Following the death of Joseph Stalin in 1953, the Soviet Union's Eastern European satellites began to press for liberalization of the harsh Stalinist policies imposed upon them. In 1956 Khrushchev made a speech criticizing the brutality of Stalin's regime. Emboldened by Khrushchev's remarks, Communist leaders in Hungary and Poland encouraged revolt. A pivotal figure in the revolt in Hungary was Imre Nagy, a reform-minded Communist who had been the premier of Hungary from 1953 to 1955. The revolt in Hungary started on October 23, 1956, when a student group marched to a radio station, where they hoped to broadcast their demands. Hungarians toppled statues of Communist leaders and burned portraits of Joseph Stalin. Nagy was briefly reinstated as the premier of Hungary. However, the Soviets soon sent in troops to crush the rebellion;approximately 2500 Hungarians were killed during the revolt. Nagy was captured by the Soviets and hanged for treason in 1958. Although the Hungarian revolt lasted only 18 days, it marked the beginning of the Soviet Union's loss of control over its Eastern European satellites. Today October 23, 1956, is a national holiday in Hungary and Imre Nagy is regarded as a martyr.

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9y ago

The Hungarian people rose up against the Soviet-supported Communist Dictatorship in Hungary in 1956. The Hungarian Uprising was crushed by the Soviet Union through the use of tanks and military force. Since it occurred roughly contemporaneously with the Suez Crisis, the United States did not support the pro-democracy revolution because their eyes were turned towards the Middle East.

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13y ago

it made all the Mexicans come to California turning California into lil tijuana

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9y ago

The Soviet Union faced crisis in Hungary Soviet tanks rolled on the streets of Budapest and the Hungarian uprising was short lived.

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12y ago

the hungarian revolution

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What is the date of the Hungarian uprising against Soviet rule?

The date is 23rd of October, 1956.

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In 1956, there was an uprising behind the iron curtain in Hungary. The uprising was named the Hungarian Revolution and lasted for only a few weeks. During this time 3000 men, women, and children of Hungary were killed.

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There was no Hungarian League competition in the year 1956.

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Hungarian Crisis- relations between the Soviet Union and Western Europe soured. The Hungarian Revolution caused Hungarians dissidents to launch a popular uprising in November 1956 to demand democratic reforms. For several days they had control of the government but Soviet troops soon took over again.

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Nikita Khrushchev

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The revolts in Eastern Europe are reference to three political uprising against that countries current governments. There three revolts are 1)1953 East Germany Uprising, 2) Hungarian Revolution 1956 and 3) Prague Spring and 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia.

What was the outcome of the 1956 uprising against Hungary?

Soviet troops crushed the uprising and executed its leader.

When did the Hungarian revolution began?

The Hungarian Revolution began in 1956 and ended that year as well.

Who was responsible for the Hungarian crisis 1956?

The communists

What country staged a huge rebellion in 1956?

This was the Hungarian Rebellion of 1956. It was against the Hungarian government and Soviet imposed policies and the presence of military forces.

Why did the UN not help Hungary during the Hungarian uprising?

The United Nations was preoccupied with the contemporaneous Arab-Israeli War of 1956 (also called the Suez Crisis, the Sinai War, or the Tripartite War of Aggression) to notice what was going on in Hungary.