The time difference between Utah, USA and the Philippines is typically 14 hours. Utah is 14 hours behind the Philippines.
The state of Nevada is between Utah and California.
Nevada lies between California and Utah.
During daylight savings time, there will be a 4-hour time difference between Utah and Hawaii. Utah will be 4 hours ahead of Hawaii.
Providence, Rhode Island is in the Eastern Time Zone (ET), which is 2 hours ahead of Utah, which is in the Mountain Time Zone (MT).
On average, about 14 hours, depending on where you start from and where you go to.
Utah's time zone is Mountain Standard Time (MST) or Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) when daylight saving time is observed. Hawaii's time zone is Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HAST) or Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time (HADT) when daylight saving time is observed. Hawaii is 2 hours behind Utah during standard time and 3 hours behind Utah during daylight saving time.
While Utah (UTC-7/UTC-6) is on Standard Time, it is 15 hours behind the Philippines (UTC+8). While Utah is on Daylight Saving Time, it is 14 hours behind the Philippines.
About 1.5 hours.
24 hrs
New Jersey is almost always two hours ahead of Utah.
2 hours. Example: 8 AM in Alaska = 10 AM in Idaho.