The Greek word "monos" is the foundation for the modern English word "monochrome," which refers to something in a single color or shades of a single color.
I love you alone is the English equivalent of 'Ego sas agapo monos'. In the word by word translation, the personal pronoun 'ego' means 'I'. The personal pronoun 'sas' means 'you'. The verb 'agapo' means '[I] love'. The adjective 'monos' means 'alone'.
The Greek Translation for the English word Great as in size is Megalos.The Greek Translation for the English word Great as in Good is Kalo.
Μόνος [monos]
it has no meaning in greek.
It doesnt have an English translation. It is a name of a city. In greek Σπάρτα (Sparta) modern greek Σπάρτη (Sparti).
The Greek root for "one" is "monos."
"I am"
Its Δίας (Dias). ["Zeus" in English]
It has to Greek words Monos and archon
monos (one) and theos (god)