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Guide Law

1 A Guide is honest, reliable and can be trusted.

2 A Guide is helpful and uses her time and abilities wisely.

3 A Guide faces challenge and learns from her experiences.

4 A Guide is a good friend and a sister to all Guides.

5 A Guide is polite and considerate.

6 A Guide respects all living things and takes care of the world around her.

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The Irish Girl Guides:

Guide Law

1 A Guide is honest and reliable.

2 A Guide is loyal.

3 A Guide is useful and helps others.

4 A Guide is a friend to all, and a sister to every other Guide.

5 A Guide is polite and considerate.

6 A Guide cares for all living things and their environment.

7 A Guide is responsible and respects authority.

8 A Guide has courage and is cheerful in difficulties.

9 A Guide makes good use of her time, talents and materials.

10 A Guide respects herself and others in all she thinks, says and does.

Catholic Guides of Ireland:

Guide Law

1 A Guide can be trusted.

2 A Guide is Loyal

3 A Guide is Helpful

4 A Guide is Friendly.

5 A Guide is always Polite and Considerate

6 A Guide is Kind to everyone and respects all living things.

7 A Guide is Obedient.

8 A Guide is Cheerful.

9 A Guide has Courage. She is never afraid to do the right thing.

10 A Guide is Tidy. She takes care of her belongings and those of other people.

11 A Guide is Self-controlled in thought, word and deed.

12 A Guide does all things for the Glory of God

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There are two World Association of Girl Guide and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) member organizations in Italy and each of them have a Girl Guide/Girl Scout law.

What was the Girl Guide Girl Scout Law in 1960?

For GSUSA, the Girl Scout Promise from 1912 to 1972: On my honor, I will try: To do my duty to God and my country, To help other people at all times, To obey the Girl Scout Laws.

Does Ireland have Girl Scouts?

Ireland has Girl Guides which is the same as Girl Scouts. The international organization is called the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. There are two Girl Guide organizations in Ireland: The Irish Girl Guides (IGG) and Catholic Guides of Ireland (CGI).

How many Girl Guide troops are there in Ireland?

The Council of Irish Guiding Associations has a membership of 13806 as of 01/01/2003. Based on that number, there could be as many as 1000 Guide units in Ireland.

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The Girl Scout Law is based on the Girl Guide Law which came from the scouting movement. Juliette Gordon Low probably helped develop the Girl Scout Law for Girl Scouts in the United States (GSUSA), but it was based on the Girl Guide Law as it developed through the scouting movement started by Lord Robert Baden-Powell.

How do girls run Girl Guide meetings in Ireland?

Pretty much like any other troop or Girl Guides or Girl Scouts. The recite the Girl Guide Promise for their association. They most likely use the patrol system and they have a program they follow. The Irish Girl Guides have activity packets that the leaders may purchase. Spiritual development is an important part of the Catholic Guides of Ireland program.

What is the Irish Girl Guide Promise?

Guide PromiseI promise on my honour to do my bestTo do my duty to my God* and my country,To help other people at all times,and to obey the Guide Law.Brownie Guide PromiseI promise to do my bestTo do my duty to my God* and my country,To help those at home every day,and To obey the Brownie Law.Ladybird Guide PromiseLadybirds try to do their best, to love my God* and to help other people.* The word 'God' may be replaced by the word 'faith' according to one's spiritual beliefsIreland has Girl Guides which is the same as Girl Scouts. The international organization is called the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).There are two Girl Guide organizations in Ireland: The Irish Girl Guides (IGG) and Catholic Guides of Ireland (CGI).

What is the Girl Guide promise used in Fiji?

Fiji Girl Guides AssociationGirl Guide PromiseI promise that I will do my best:To do my duty to GodTo serve the Queen and my country,and help other people, andTo keep the Guide Law.

What is the Girl Guide promise in Zambia?

Girl Guides Association of ZambiaGirl Guide Promise (ages 11 to 18)I promise that I will do my best:To serve God,To serve my country and other people, andTo keep the Guide Law. Lechwe Guide Promise (ages 5 to 11)I promise that I will do my best:To serve God,To serve my country and other people, andTo keep the Lechwe Guide Law.

When was Law Society of Ireland created?

Law Society of Ireland was created in 1852.

Why was the Brownie Law changed?

Generally, a Girl Guide or Girl Scout organization will change their Law to make it more current to the times. Sometimes it is changed to make it easier to remember. When ever the Law is changed, it must follow the guidelines set by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). The Girl Scout Law for Girl Scouts of the USA was changed in 1996 to make it more current and easier to remember and say.

What is special about the Girl Guide handshake?

The Girl Guide/Girl Scout handshake is made by shaking left hands. While shaking left hands, the Girl Guide/Girl Scout uses her right hand to make the Girl Guide/Girl Scout sign.