Depending on the fare type purchased, a one-way Adult ticket from Edmonton, AB to Vancouver, BC will cost approximately $138.00 - $153.00 (CND).
Edmonton is one hour ahead of Vancouver. It would be 1:00 in Edmonton when it's 12:00 in Vancouver.
The driving distance from Edmonton to Vancouver is 722 road miles.
Yes, it is MUCH colder in Edmonton than in Vancouver in the winter. Vancouver's temperature rarely dips below zero Celsius while Edmonton will be below zero for most of November to March. In the summer, Edmonton will generally have higher daytime temperatures than Vancouver, while Vancouver will generally not be as hot during the day but also not as cool at night.
Edmonton, AB (YEA) to Hong Kong (HKG)Flight Duration * 16 hours 25 mins * Via Vancouver International Apt, Vancouver (YVR)
900 miles
Train fare rates are dependent on departure date and fare class. As of February 2016, a one-way ticket from Edmonton to Vancouver on Via Rail booked two weeks in advance in Economy-Escape fare is about $215 CDN including taxes.
About 16 hours and 14 minutes with no stops.