The distance from Brisbane to Noosa is about 160 k's.
From Murwillumbah, NSW to Coolangatta, Qld is a distance of 32 km by road.
The distance between Newcastle, NSW, and Noosa, QLD, is approximately 950 kilometers when traveling by road. This distance may vary slightly depending on the specific route taken. It is important to consider factors such as traffic, road conditions, and any detours that may affect the actual distance traveled between the two locations.
Coolangatta is actually part of the Gold Coast. However, from Coolangatta to Surfers Paradise in the heart of the Gold Coast is a distance of just 23 km.
From Noosa Heads to Maryborough by road is a distance of 148 km.
The distance by road from Noosa to Mackay is about 863km. Driving time is an estimated ten hours.
The distance between Noosa and Buderim is 41 km. Travel time is about 45 minutes.
The distance from Surfers Paradise to Noosa, Qld is 217km and would take about three hours to travel.
the surfers paradise and noosa heads in australia distancez: 219km, 2 hrs, 38 min
The distance between Coolangatta and Salamander Bay is 689 km, (428mi), and will take just over 8 hours of driving time, without breaks.
From Noosa Heads to Hervey Bay is a distance of approximately 187km. Driving time is an estimated 2.5 hours.
~15km via pacific motorway