yes it is ... you can learn bout science , geography, math, arts ... just think about it and youll see ...........
Mali is larger and has lot of golds but no salt Ghana has twice as much gold. one of them has salt and the other has gold so they could traded and they could traded for bout 500 pounds of salt for 500 pounds of gold
It is a bout of illness.A bout is a short period of activity (e.g. a boxing bout) ora brief period of illness. (a bout of 'flu)Or, one could say, he's recovering from a rough bout (a struggle) with a viral infection.
bout 3 bout 3 bout 3
The cast of Bout That Bout - 2009 includes: Jordan Bowley as himself Tim Witte
'Bout It was created on 1998-09-08.
WBU means "What About You?" If you meant WUBU2, it means "What have you been up to?"
what 'bout u
destiny wrong
Pieter Bout was born in 1658.
How 'Bout You was created on 2006-01-30.