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Siberian tigers are stronger then sumatran tigers because Siberian tigers are the most wildest tiger in the world.

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Q: What is stronger a Siberian tiger or a Sumatran tiger?
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Which species of tiger are endangered?

The Chinese tiger is the most endangered. Others are Siberian tiger, and the Sumatran tiger.

Who is smaller Siberian tigers or sumatran tigers?

The Sumatran tiger is the smallest of the 5 tiger subspecies, with males weighing between 100 and 140 kg. The Siberian tiger is the largest, averaging 227 kg for males.

What types of tiger are there?

There are six subspecies of tigers, which include the Bengal, Indochinese, Malayan, Siberian, South China, and Sumatran tigers. Each subspecies has its own unique characteristics and habitat, and they are all classified as endangered due to factors such as habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict.

Is the Sumatran tiger the largest type of tiger?

Both are small races, around 300 pounds or so for males.

What are the 5 remaining tigers?

There is actually 6 breeds of tigers still in existence today: (Royal) Bengal Tiger Indochinese Tiger Malayan Tiger Sumatran Tiger Siberian Tiger South China Tiger There are 3 extinct breeds of tigers: Balinese Tiger Javan Tiger Caspian (Persian) Tiger

Which is stronger between a Siberian tiger and a Bengal tiger?

Siberian tigers are generally considered stronger and larger than Bengal tigers. They have thicker fur and larger bodies due to their adaptation to colder climates in Russia and China. However, individual variations exist and strength can depend on factors like age, size, and health.

What are all the tiger types names?

There are 8 tigers in the world and they are: Caspian Tiger, Indian or Bengal Tiger, Indo-Chinese or Corbett's Tiger, Siberian Tiger, South Chinese or Annoy Tiger, Sumatran Tiger, Javan Tiger and Bali Tiger.

Who is stronger Russian pular bear or a Siberian tiger?

Polar bears are stronger, but lack the agility of a tiger.

What other kinds of tigers are there?

There are many species of tigers world over. * The Royal Bengal Tiger * Siberian Tiger * Malayan Tiger * Indochinese Tiger * Sumatran Tiger * Siberian Tiger * South China Tiger There are a few extinct species too. * Balinese Tiger * Javan Tiger

All the types of tigers?

There are six living sub-species of tigers. These are the Bengal tiger, Indochinese tiger, South China tiger, Malayan tiger, Siberian tiger and Sumatran tiger.

Can a Siberian tiger kill a bull?

A Siberian tiger is stronger that a bull shark, but not a tiger shark.

What are the types of tiger?

Good question There are heaps of different tiger species such as, the white tiger, Bengal tiger (the most dangerous species of tiger), Siberian tiger, Indochinese tiger, Sumatran tiger, Caspian tiger, Bali tiger, South China tiger and the Javan tiger. Hope this answered you question (: There is one tiger species, but six living subspecies. Bengal, Siberian, Malayan, Indo Chinese, Sumatran, South China. Extinct subspecies are the Caspian, Javan, and Bali.