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Q: What is physical education like in Yemen?
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How can you make physical education fun?

The more you can make physical education seem like games, the better children like it.

How does a compass work in physical education?

the clock is rotating like the sun and that's how a compass works in physical education.

What does education in physical education refers to?

the education in the physical education is not only mention about your physical fitness or obot your physical structure it is about your mental development in all aspects in your life like psychologically, your social behavior and how you deal with the situtation which occure in your life. in physical education you learnt the things by doing so it is a much better way of learning.

How is physical education important?

physical education is important to our health and this is also important to the players like me and lovely ...... this answer from babes ann and lovely agraviador

What are the relationship of physical education in oor emotion?

The relationship between physical education and our emotions is physical education and exercise can promote a better mood. The physical education or exercise boosts the mood by releasing mood regulating brain chemicals called neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline.

What are the three function of physical education?

Physical education is very important just like the mental education. The three functions of physical education are: promotes physical fitness, helps learners develop emotionally and socially, and helps in the skill development.

What is education for physical?

Physical Education

Who is the Minister of Fisheries for Yemen?

Abd Al-Razaq Al-Ashwal is the Minister of Education for Yemen.

What is the purpose of physical education in India?

8678697 like a boss.

What is the educational of Physical education of India?

8678697 like a boss.

What are the functions of physical education?

Physical education is very important just like the mental education. The three functions of physical education are: promotes physical fitness, helps learners develop emotionally and socially, and helps in the skill development.

The role of general education in physical education?

role of physical education in genral education