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Q: What is meant by islamic provision?
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What is the difference in Islamic religion and Christianity?

Christianity is the provision of salvation and forgiveness from God and is God's path to Himself for us.

In which constitution of Pakistan more Islamic provisions occur?

as we see the three constitution provision about Islam we find that 1973 constitution is more Islamic then previous two in that it really defined and draw the lines of what are allowed and what are not.

What is the sovereign of a Muslim country called?

If meant by Islamic sovereign the ruler, then is named Sultan, king, president, amir, or as called before Caliph If meant Islamic religious leader, then is named Imam or Sheikh

What is meant by halal?

Halal is an Arabic Islamic word that means allowed per Islam religion.

What were the two provision of the munich agreement?

One of them was that Hitler got the Sudentenland (sic), which was part of Czechoslovakia. It was ultimately meant as a peace pact.

What were the two provision of the munich agreements?

One of them was that Hitler got the Sudentenland (sic), which was part of Czechoslovakia. It was ultimately meant as a peace pact.

What is the entry of tds provision?

For a provision you initially debit cost and credit provision. When the provision is released you debit your provision and credit cash. The provision should be adjusted to present value on your balance sheet.

What is hauling of provision?

hauling of provision

Is shanghai is a provision of china?

It is a city not a provision.

How old do you have to be to get provision license?

You have to be 34 to have your provision license.