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Q: What is maria basins?
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Which moon surface features probably when lava flows filled large basins?


Which moon surface features probably formed when lava flows filled large basins?

The moon surface features that probably formed when lava flows filled large basins are called maria, which are large, dark plains visible from Earth. These maria were created by ancient volcanic activity that filled the low-lying basin areas with basaltic lava flows.

What are the dark-colored relatively flat regions of the Moon surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins called?

The dark-colored, relatively flat regions of the Moon's surface are called lunar maria. These maria were formed when basins on the Moon were filled with basaltic lava following impact events in the past.

Dark-colored relatively flat regions of the Moon's surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins are called?

A maria

Lunar maria are thought to be dark because they?

They are impact basins that have been flooded with (once-molten) lunar basaltic lavas, which are naturally dark in color.

Dark-colored, relatively flat regions of the moon's surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins are called?

The dark-colored, relatively flat regions of the moon's surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins are called lunar maria. These areas appear darker than the surrounding highlands due to their lower reflectivity and lack of craters. The lunar maria are thought to have formed from ancient volcanic activity on the moon.

How is maria pronounced?

The proper name Maria is pronounced "mah-REE-uh".The plural of the Latin mar ('sea'), maria is pronounced "MAH-ree-uh" (first syllable stressed). The term is applied to large, flat land basins on the Moon and on other planets.

What Dark relatively flat regions of the moon's surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins are called?

Maria, also known as lunar seas, are the dark relatively flat regions of the moon's surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins.

Why is the maria so smooth?

The mare (plural: maria) on the Moon are smooth because they are vast basaltic plains created by ancient volcanic activity. Lava flows filled in large impact basins, creating the smooth surfaces we see today.

Mountains and Basins?

Full of mountains and basins

What are flat regions of dry lava on the surface of the moon called?

Flat regions of dry lava on the surface of the moon are called maria. They are large dark basins formed by ancient volcanic activity and are visible from Earth as dark areas on the lunar surface.

What are dark colored relatively flat regions of the moon's surface formed when interior lava filled large basins?

These dark colored, relatively flat regions on the Moon's surface are called maria. They were formed when lava filled large basins created by ancient impacts. Maria are composed of solidified basaltic lava flows and give the Moon a patchwork appearance of light and dark regions.