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It is one of the most difficult places to live in. It is the most coldest place on earth so you can just about imagine how tough it is.

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Q: What is life like on Antarctica for scientists?
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Related questions

How do scientists help sustain life in Antarctica?

Scientists who study the health of planet earth in Antarctica are not chartered with the challenge to 'help sustain life' in Antarctica. There is no animal life to sustain and 98% of the continent is covered by an ice sheet.

What continent that has no life on it?

In a way, none of them, but Antarctica does have scientists there and they're living people

How are people making use of the extreme environment Antarctica?

Scientists are measuring the ice cap and looking at the what the atmosphere was like a long time ago.

Why do few anamals and humans live in antarctica?

No animals live in Antarctica. Humans go to Antarctica as scientists, in support of science or as tourists. There is no native population there. Why? It's too cold in Antarctica to support life.

What do scientists look for in Antarctica?

Scientists working in Antarctica study the health of planet earth.

Is there anyone living on the continent of Antarctica?

Scientists and workers in support of science live in Antarctica temporarily: there is non native population there -- it is too cold to support life.

What do the houses the scientists live in look like in Antarctica?

Scientists do not live in houses in Antarctica. Scientists sleep in dorms and eat in dining halls at the research station, and may spent their non-working time in field tents away from the research station.

Who uses antarctica?

Antarctica is used by scientists by way of their governments.

Who or what is an Antarctica dweller?

Aside from the research scientists who spend months in the frigid environment, the only Antarctica Dwellers are penguins and other birds, and the marine life in the surrounding oceans.

Where do scientists sleep in antarctica?

Scientists live in a heated tent

Would you more likely to find skiers or scientists in Antarctica?

You'll find both there. Some scientists ski, and there is some cross-country skiing in Antarctica. Some cross-country skiers in Antarctica are not scientists.

Do scientists have beds in Antarctica?
