The twenty most populated cities in Italy are approximately as follows. Please note, these numbers were from polls taken from 2010 and may soon change.
Chicargo is the third most populous city in the USA
Yes it is Italy's most populous city.
Jacksonville is the most populous city in Florida.
New Orleans is a city, and it is the most populous city in the state of Louisiana.
The most populous is Toronto, followed by Montreal, then Calgary. Ottawa, the capital, is the fourth most populous.
Chicago is the third most populous city following New York City and Los Angeles. Houston is the fourth most populous city.
Kyiv is the most populous city in all of eastern europe
The most populous city in North America is Mexico City, in Mexico. It has a population of over 21 million people.
The most populous city is Omaha, with a population of 421,570 at the 2012 census.
Toronto (2,503,281) is the most populous city in Canada, and the fifth most populous city in North America.
The most populous city in the US is New York City and it is included in the Northeast Megaregion. El Paso. TX is the most populous city that was not included in the list for Megaregions.
Guatamala City