The address of the Prescott College is: , Prescott, AZ 86301-2912
100 miles
217.05 miles
135.70 miles
Crown King, Az Prescott, Az
Prescott, AZ
The address of the Prescott Animal Park is: 1403 Heritage Park Road, Prescott, AZ 86301
The address of the Prescott Victorian Society is: Po Box 1614, Prescott, AZ 86302-1614
Shortest time: about 2 hours
It is 215 miles accrding to Google Maps.
100 miles taking this route: # Take I-17 NORTH from Phoenix to SR-69 NORTH to PRESCOTT at EXIT 262. # Take SR-69 NORTH to Prescott.
The address of the Prescott Creeks Preservation Association is: Po Box 3004, Prescott, AZ 86302-3004