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It is a country of the Levant region of the Middle East, heavily influenced, culturally, by the military, because nearly everyone born who grew up there has served. The culture is essentially the same as other parts of the Levant. I believe in Arabic, the Levant is called "Bilad El Sham," so, Levant is the bastardized, anglicized version of the Arabic "Bilad El Sham." Levant is easier for English speakers I guess, than saying "Bilad El Sham" all the time. Don't quote me on that I could be wrong though, as to the word "Levant" being the anglicized/bastardized "Bilad El Sham." In Israel, you don't screw with the government, in the same way that in an Arab country you don't screw with them either. In Israel, there is corruption, the way Arab countries have corruption, you have machismo and sexism towards women, even though they claim to have "liberated attitudes," same as you have it in Arab countries. Israeli men, are tough, and every bit as sexist towards their women as Arabs are.

There are some differences though; like the acceptance of gays, how they hold parties basically every night, the clubs are always full, and the country has a very active nightlife. However its also that way in Lebanon, and in Jordan as well, not to mention some Arab gulf states. Israel has been largely absorbed by the middle east; a country is not fully engulfed, surrounded by Arab countries, and not get influenced. Israel is a mediterranean country through and through, culturall speaking.

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14y ago

Israel and the US has some common cultural things, fashion, technology, movies, and more...
the culture of eating "junk food" came from US too .

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