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He did not take power by force, but rather was invited by the king of Spain after threatening a coup. This gave rise to the myth of the march on Rome.

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Q: What is interesting about Mussolini taking over Italy?
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What country did Mussolini represent during World War 2?

he ruled italyItaly.ItalyBenito Mussolini (1883-1945) was the premier of Predappio in northern central Italy.ItalyItaly.Italy from 1932 until 1944.Italy!!!

Which organization established by Mussolini enforced his control?

The Black Shirts enforced Mussolini's control over Italy.

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an overthrow of Mussolini

What countries did Italy start taking over in World War 2?

Abyssinia or what is now called Ethiopia. They wanted the oil and to rule the nation. Mussolini had a ridicuous notion Italy would become the next Roman Empire in the Twentieth Century.

What Mussolini referred to as the Italian lake?

Mussolini used the term 'Mare Nostrum' (Our Sea) in reference to the Mediterranean Sea and how it was Italy's right to rule over it.

When Mussolini come to power?

Mussolini became Prime Minister of Italy in1922It appears that Mussolini first took over Italy in 1922. At the least, that is the year in which he was appointed to be Prime Minister after threatening to overturn the government.1922Came to power in 1922On 31 October 1922.

How did Benito Mussolini get control over Italy's government?

One thing Benito Mussolini did was outlaw political parties.

Why did Greece have the civil war?

Communism didn't cause WWII. Fascism, or Nazism at that time, did. Germany became Fascist and started taking over Europe. Mussolini then turned Italy Fascist to protect it. The only communist country really involved was the USSR and they were Allied. NB: Italy was Facist under Mussolini long before Hitler came to power in Germany.

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When did Mussolini declare Italy?

The elections of 1921 is when Mussolini first rose to power, winning 35 seats in the government, and bringing the Facist party higher in prestige. Soon after the elections, he threatened a coup d' etat (a person or party taking complete control over a government, usually with military force) with the help of his paramilitary group the Black Shirts, which he "created" by combining individual Facist groups thoughout Italy. He also took over 25,000 Black Shirts on a march through Rome(which many citizens supported), which got the attention of Victor Emmanuel III, who asked Mussolini to join his prime minister as his right hand man. With some time, Mussolini declared a dictatorship over Italy.

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No, Wal*Mart has no intention of taking over the world. Though it would be interesting ...

What led to Bonito Mussolini's gaining power in Italy?

1. After WWI Italy was left to gain less despite being victories. And during the great depression was left Italy to fight over on how and what the government should do, a perfect advantage for Mussolini to rise to power. Mussolini's goal was to turn Italy into a fascist state and his tactic was to control the people at the same time use their nationalism to make them proud and willing to participate in his "revolution" and after he took power, he had made a new fascist Italy.