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Q: What is hijri of fatah e makkah?
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What is the day Ramadan?

Ramadan is a month in the Islamic Hijri calendar. Ramadan is the 9th month. The Hijri Calendar started on the day that Prophet Muhammad SAW made the migration from Makkah to Medina. Hijri is derived from the word Hijrah which literally means "Migration"

What is the hijri calendar?

It is the Islamic calendar. __________________________________ It is the Islamic Lunar Calendar that started by the day of prophet Muhammad migration from Makkah (or Mecca) to AlMadinah (or Medina) withing Saudi Arabia.

When was Fatah created?

Fatah was created in 1959.

When did Hijri Dede die?

Hijri Dede died in 1952.

How tall is Fatah Bensalem?

Fatah Bensalem is 6' 2".

Which year of the hijri calendar was declared alcohol is haram?

4th hijri

When was Fatah Guerrilla created?

Fatah Guerrilla was created in 1918-11.

What nicknames does Fatah Bensalem go by?

Fatah Bensalem goes by Ben.

When was Mustafa Hijri born?

Mustafa Hijri was born on 1945-01-01.

When was Fatah Nsaief born?

Fatah Nsaief was born on 1951-02-02.

When was Tarek Fatah born?

Tarek Fatah was born on 1949-11-20.

When was Fatah Masoud born?

Fatah Masoud was born on 1989-09-24.