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in Hawaii there is a new island forming

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Q: What is happening to Hawaii?
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Are any events happening in Hawaii in 2010?

there will be people from space come down to kill you guys:)

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There is currently no 51st state of the United States. There are talks again about Puerto Rico achieving statehood and we might see this happening soon, depending on who is elected president in the upcoming election.

When was Hawaii built?

Hawaii wasn't built, its a natural structure. Actually Hawaii is still being built by active volcanoes. There is a new island underwater that is slowly being formed by volcanic activity. Lava, which is molten rock, is spewed out by volcanic activity and creates new land. This is now happening on the "Big Island" also known as Hawaii.

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The US did not declare war on Germany. Germany declared war on the US shortly after the Japanese attack on Hawaii.

What does wikiki mean in hawaiian?

In Hawaiian, "wikiki" means quick or fast. It is often used to describe something happening rapidly or with speed.

What was happening on March 11 2011?

Well, there is an Earthquake in Tokyo Japan and than cause the Tsunami waves across the pacific ocean than hit Hawaii and the Hawaii islands. The waves also hit the west coast of the United States. This was happening on March 11, 2011 .(second person typing)I have heard that a boy in school at japan had the earthquake and his dad was picking him up but he was late .the dad got an accident.Someone gave a jacket and he took it.I heard that from my parents.I am not sure about that part yet

What is a sentence with the word happening?

The party is happening tomorrow night at my friend's house.

Is Hawaii in a county in the US?

The Island of Hawaii in the State of Hawaii is also Hawaii County.

All about Hawaii?

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Which state Alaska or Hawaii have the rainiest spot?

Hawaii because Hawaii receives the most rain on average annually

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