The phone number of the Santa Clarita Valley is: 661-260-1792.
Santa Clarita, California is in Los Angeles County.
City of Santa Clarita Transit was created in 1991.
The Santa Clarita Valley Signal was created in 1919.
The last time it snowed in Santa Clarita was January 2011. It did not stick to the ground
The distance between Fremont to Santa Clarita is by car 9 miles or 14.48 kilometers.
santa clarita California
The main cities that make up the Santa Clarita Valley in California are Santa Clarita, Canyon Country, Newhall, Saugus, and Valencia.
The address of the Newhall Library is: 22704 West Ninth St., Santa Clarita, 91321 2808
Marsha McLean is the current mayor of Santa Clarita, CA.
The population for the city of Santa Clarita is around two hundred and four thousand, nine hundred and fifty one. This population figure of 204, 951 for the city of Santa Clarita is a marked rise from previous years.