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Havana is farther East than Managua.

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Q: What is farther east Cuba or Nicaragua?
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Which is farther east the capital of cuba or of Nicaragua?

Cuba is more east.

Which is farther east the capital of Cuba or the capital of Nicaragua and what are the names of the two cities?

The capital of Cuba(Havana) is farther east than the capital of Nicaragua.

Which if farther east the capital of cuba or the capital of nicarqua?

The capital of Cuba, Havana, is farther east than the capital of Nicaragua, Managua.

Which is furthest east the capital of Cuba or the capital of Nicaragua?

The Capital of cuba is farther east

Is the capitol of Cuba or the capitol of Nicaragua farther east?

capital of Cuba is more east.

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Havana, the capital and largest city of Cuba, is located further east than Managua, the capital city of Nicaragua. .

What is farther east capital of cuba capital of Nicaragua capital of Mexico?

Havana, Cuba is further east than Mexico City, Mexico and Managua, Nicaragua.

Which is father east the capital of cuba or the capital of Nicaragua?

The capital of Cuba, Havana, is further east.

Which is further east the capital of Cuba or the capital of Nicaragua and what are the name of the names of the 2?

Havana, Cuba is further east than Mexico City, Mexico and Managua, Nicaragua.

What are the capitals of Cuba and Nicaragua?

Havana, Cuba and Managua, Nicaragua

What are the names of the capitals of Cuba and Nicaragua?

The capital of Cuba is Havana (or La Habana, in Spanish). The capital of Nicaragua is Managua.

Is the capital of Cuba farther east than the capital of Costa Rica?

Yes it is. Havana is further east than San José is.