A typical day in the life of a Vietnamese family depends on how stable they are financially. For those with little to no money, life is very hard. The children will usually spend time looking for food and begging for money. Sometimes, you will see them dig through trash just to find something to eat. It is a very sad thing to watch. The parents on the other hand will work very hard outside in the sun for long days while getting paid very little. They have no luxuries in their life. Not enough food, no entertainment, nothing. On the other hand, a family of middle class is extremely fortunate. They are able to pay for their childrens schooling and get to work inside a building and live in a home where there is AC and have normal toilets (those who are less fortunate, have to do their business in little holes in the ground) They have TVs, clothes, food, computers. Life is hard, yet easy for them. And as for the upperclass, I think you can figure that out for yourself.
Hatred for the war.
South Vietnam was an agriculture based society (a farming life).
I am looking to contact a family member of a POW in Vietnam? I have this person's POW bracelet and would like to get it to them. Diana dianaelliott1955@yahoo.com
it was horrible
What was family life like
It depends on the family and their beliefs and traditions. I know someone from Vietnam and they do not celebrate birthdays, but they say they know some people that do, just like us.
its family like xD
cost of life. injuries. dirtiness. no family. hunger. sadness. all that stuff.
The warthog's family is like pigs
Jamaican family life is almost similar to the USA