what is the driving distance from Oklahoma City to Galveston 494 mi - about 7 hours 39 mins
It is 205.91 miles according to MapQuest.
It isw 303.80 miles according to MapQuest.
The distance to drive from Fort Worth, Texas to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma is approximately 205 miles and takes around 3 to 4 hours depending on traffic and specific starting and ending locations.
It is 376.92 miles via I-30 and I-35 according to MapQuest.
That is a far piece of Texas that is best called 700 miles south of Oklahoma City.
It is 495.95 miles according to MapQuest,
It is 435 miles.
1087 miles
The distance in miles from Tulsa, Oklahoma to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma is 106.6 miles.
From Dallas, it's about 206 miles
In a direct line, it is about 350 miles to the south. The driving distance is approximately 388.7 miles.