The air distance between Sydney and Newcastle, Australia is 73 miles or 118 kilometres.
The distance between Sydney's CBD and Newcastle is 159km. Depending on traffic, it takes around 2 hours to travel.
The distance from Newcastle, Australia, to Delhi, India, is 6,466 miles. That equals 10,405 kilometers or 5,618 nautical miles.
The flight distance between Melbourne & Sydney is 713 kilometres. The driving distance between Melbourne & Sydney is 875 kilometres.
286 miles between Newcastle and LondonAbout 250 miles.
What is the distance from Sydney to Cancun by air?
Distance between newcastle and egypt is 5999 miles. It is covered through the means of air. The distance is straight path between the two.
To drive from Newcastle to Canberra is a distance of 432km, and takes around 5.5 hours.
200 kilometres taking this route:Take HIGHWAY 1 - NEWCASTLE, from Sydney, all the way up to TOMAGO ROAD (HIGHWAY 122) to NELSON BAY, north of Newcastle; turn right onto Tomago Road.Take HIGHWAY 122 to Nelson Bay.
63 miles
The distance between Toronto and Sydney is 9670 miles (15562 km).