The distance between Morelia, MX and Acapulco, MX is 532.83 miles.
The distance in miles from Mexico City to Acapulco is 249 miles.
The total driving distance from Phoenix, AZ to Acapulco, Mexico is 1,970 miles.
The driving distance from Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico to Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico is 1,202.3 miles / 1934.91km
Distance between Acapulco, Mexico and Anchorage, Alaska is 6,300 Kilometers (3,915 miles) on a straight line.
Distance between Seattle and Acapulco is 4492 Kilometers (2791 miles) on a straight line.
Distance: 752.92 miles - Time: 11:40 h
Distance: 419.38 miles - Time: 6:42 h
The only one thing between a meridian and the equator that I can think of is distance. Of course the equator itself is a meridian in which case there is no distance between.
The distance between Majorca and the equator is approximately 1,171 miles (1,885 kilometers).
The distance is about 1,507 air miles.
1480 miles from Hawaii to the equator.