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Q: What is buckwheat in Slovak language?
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What is the Slovak word for buckwheat?


What is the official language of slovak republic?

Slovak language.

Is Slovak an official language of the EU?

Yes, Slovak is an official EU language since 2004.

How are Slovak people different from from the Czechs?

They speak a different language, Slovak.

How do you spell slovac?

The language, or an individual of Slovakia (Slovak Republic), is spelled Slovak.

Slovak name for Matthew?

Names are not translated in Slovak language. However, there is similar name "Matúš" :)

How do you say turtle in slovak language?


What does Co mean in Slovak language?

co= what :)

How i get Slovak driving license?

You need to pass a test and a practical driving exam. You can only sit your test in Slovak language.

What does it mean Litkama in chek language or in slovak?

if only I knew...

'I am' in slovak language?

,, Ja som" or just ,,Som". The same as in Spanish. I am is ,,Yo soy", but usually they use only ,,Soy". ,,Yo" is just for emphasizing.

How can you translate ohňová zem from Slovak language to English?

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