The average cost of a house in 1930 was 7,145.00. The average income in this same year was 1,970.00. A new car cost 670.00.
Car salesmen are not licensed nor regulated as a profession in North Carolina. Therefore, all you need to do is become one. Almost any car lot will give you a job as car salesmen work on commission. If you want to be a new car salesperson then some training may be involved, but generally profits are higher on used cars now rather than new ones.
According to the US Census Bureau, the average annual income for households in New Hampshire was $63,235 in 2008. This is over the national average of $52,029.
New car salesmen usually only make $200 per sale. It varies from dealership to dealership. Car values also play into the commission. A BMW salesman will make more than a Honda salesman.
$30,748 is the average price of a new car as of 4/2012.
Average cost of new car $15500.00
An average income per person is about $30,000
The Minimum income level to get a car loan in Detroit,Michigan for used or new car is $2000
In 2007, the average household income in New Jersey was approximately $71,180.
The average income of a dry cleaners owner is $150,00/year.