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Art that place place over time, such as a musical performance. Auditory means relating to sound.

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Q: What is auditory or time art?
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visual or art space auditory or time art combined art dunno if its correct :">

Difference between visual art and auditory art?

Visual art is that which is seen (ie painting) while auditory art is that which is heard (music)

Sounds and silences organized in time?

Music is a form of art that involves organizing sounds and silences in a deliberate manner within a defined time frame. This arrangement creates rhythm, melody, harmony, and dynamics, resulting in a structured and expressive auditory experience.

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What is the first part of the auditory cortex to receive auditory information?

The primary auditory cortex, located in the temporal lobe, is the first cortical area to receive auditory information from the thalamus. It is responsible for processing and analyzing basic auditory signals.

Where the auditory cortex is located?

The auditory cortex is located in the brain, and is responsible for processing auditory information received from the ears.

What is the prefix for auditory?

auditory is made up of the root "audio" meaning "hearing, sound".

Where is the auditory cortex?

The primary auditory cortex, i.e. where the auditory signal first reach the cortex, is located on the Heshl's gyrus, on the supratemporal plane (the upper part of the temporal lobe). The auditory information then spreads to secondary auditory cortices located around primary the primary auditory cortex. Then the auditory signal diffuses to associative areas located in the parietal and frontal lobes.

What parts in the ear assist in the ability to hear a sound wave from the time the sound enters the ear until it reaches the brain?

The auditory canal to the eardrum then the auditory nerve sends it to the brain for interpretation.

What are auditory systems processed in?

Auditory stimuli are processed in the auditory system, which includes structures in the inner ear, auditory nerve, brainstem, and auditory cortex in the temporal lobe of the brain. This system is responsible for the detection, analysis, and interpretation of sound signals.

How can use the word auditory in a sentence?

He had an infection in his auditory canal

A time lag between left and right auditory stimulation is important for accurately?

locating sounds