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The Great White Desert :) x

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Q: What is antarctica's nickname?
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What is antarcticas largest lake?

Lake Vostok

Antarcticas eco system?

it is the cycle of antarctia

When was antarcticas treaty signed?

The treaty was signed in 1959.

What is Antarcticas largest ocean?

Antarctica is surrounded by the Southern Ocean.

What is Antarcticas average elevation?

7500 ft

What grows in antarcticas environmant?

livin' things mate! plants!!

What is antarcticas main environment?

Antarctica is a dry, arid polar environment.

What season antarcticas wind came?

In Antarctica, the wind is constant, nearly 24/7.

How much of the worlds freshwater supply do antarcticas ice caps contain?

The answer you want is about 70%.

What is antarcticas latitude?

You can find the Antarctic continent south of 60 degrees S. latitude.

What is antarcticas only known active volcano?

It's name is Mt Erebus. Read more, below.

What are the future plans for Antarcticas resources?

The Madrid Protocol (1991) places an indefinite ban on mining in Antarctica.