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A sheebeen.

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Q: What is an unlicensed house serving alcohol called in Ireland?
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What are alcohol shops called in Ireland?


What is the scottish white spirit called with a high alcohol content?

In Scotland and Ireland it is called Poiteen. Pronounced *potcheen* This is a Gaelic word.

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Is Dunmore County in Ireland?

There are places called Dunmore in Ireland, but there is no county called Dunmore in Ireland.There are places called Dunmore in Ireland, but there is no county called Dunmore in Ireland.There are places called Dunmore in Ireland, but there is no county called Dunmore in Ireland.There are places called Dunmore in Ireland, but there is no county called Dunmore in Ireland.There are places called Dunmore in Ireland, but there is no county called Dunmore in Ireland.There are places called Dunmore in Ireland, but there is no county called Dunmore in Ireland.There are places called Dunmore in Ireland, but there is no county called Dunmore in Ireland.There are places called Dunmore in Ireland, but there is no county called Dunmore in Ireland.There are places called Dunmore in Ireland, but there is no county called Dunmore in Ireland.There are places called Dunmore in Ireland, but there is no county called Dunmore in Ireland.There are places called Dunmore in Ireland, but there is no county called Dunmore in Ireland.

How do you turn in a unlicensed contractor?

You can turn in an unlicensed contractor to the building inspector in your area. There are departments in every city or town that handle this. Usually it is called the office of building inspecting and permits.

What was Ireland called before Ireland?

Before the separation of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, it was called just "Ireland".

What are hoses in Ireland called?

Hoses are called hoses in Ireland.

What are butterflies called in Ireland?

They are called butterflies in Ireland too.

Is there a city called kyle in Ireland?

There is no city called Kyle in Ireland.

In Italy it is called a little snail in Germany it is called a spider monkey what is it called in Ireland?

What is it called in Ireland

Is ethanol commonly called grain alcohol?

Called Grain Alcohol, drinking alcohol, ethyl alcohol or pure alcohol

What is something from Ireland also called?

Something from Ireland would be called Irish.