A person could book a holiday tour to Europe through a company called British Airways. A person might also book a holiday tour to Europe through Central Holiday's online website.
New years eve is the most important holiday in France.
the most important holiday of the jewish religion is hanukkah
the most important holiday in the philippines is........ christmas
The most important holiday to most people in Colombia is day of the dead. This is a holiday that honors dead relatives.
There are many countries in Europe so there are many flags not one.
Armistice Day.
Obviously, the one holiday that happens
Yes! it belong to the Easter season. It happened 40 days after easter.
The Buddhist holiday of Bodhi; The Wiccan holiday of Solstice; The Asatru holiday of Yule; The Jewish holiday of Hanukkah; the Christian holiday of Christmas; the manmade American holiday of Kwanzaa; the manmade American holiday of Festivus.