an Ethiopian Gabi shawl is a special kind of shawls made in Ethiopia where these are woven with out using any modern machines or technology. these are mainly hand loom ( hand made). these shawls are traditionally used to tie around waist or around head like a turban or even around shoulders.
Gabi was born in Ethiopia. Its original and organic wear of Ethiopia, it is made with handspun cotton hand weaved simple design it has a pattern (Tibebe) with different colors, the ending is done with hand twisted fringe, it has 4 layers stitched together in one throw the four layers trap your body heat and helps to keep warm in cold weather.
Gabi is worn over a shoulder and upper body part, can serve in many ways as a throw, blanket, to wrap your baby, Gabi is traditionally worn by men when they are on religious and funeral service.
Traditionally Gabi is a big gift for loved ones on special occasions at weeding and when a person gives birth to a newborn.
Gabi Gabi is in Zulu.
a better sweater
one (shawl)
I am wearing a shawl.
Your shawl is on the kitchen counter. That's a nice shawl. Suddenly, the shawl seemed to come to life, standing on edge and snapping it's top corners at me as if it had just become champion boxer.
You can have one shawl, or numerous shawls.
A shawl that is plaid.
shawl-tallit cap -kippah
Nisi Shawl was born in 1955.
Black Shawl died in 1920.
The duration of The Bright Shawl is 1.33 hours.