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Q: What is a slogan of the state of Oregon?
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The slogan of the campaign was not disavow by Polk. Polk pledged to settle the boundary of Oregon Territory with Britain.

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The state slogan for Delaware is "Liberty and Independence". It is the state slogan because Delaware was the first state to ratify the Constitution.

Is Oregon My Oregon the state song for Oregon?

Yes, Oregon My Oregon is the state song for Oregon.

What is Florida's state motto and state slogan?

Florida's motto is in god we trust and the state slogan is sunshine state.

What state is Oregon in?

Oregon is not in a state, it is a state.

What is Illinoises oficial state slogan?

logan is the slogan ;)

What is the state slogan for Illinois?

the slogan is land of Lincoln

Why is the Oregon swallowtail butterfly Oregon's state mammal?

The Oregon Swallowtail butterfly is Oregon's state insect, not it's state mammal. The Oregon Swallowtail was named Oregon's state insect because of it's prevalence in the state of Oregon.

Why is Oregon state song called Oregon your Oregon?

Oregon state song is call "Oregon My Oregon". It is called Oregon My Oregon because you live their maybe?

What is Oregon's state song?

Oregon, my Oregon.