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A multinational corporation(MNC) or multinational enterprise(MNE)[1] is a corporation enterprise that manages production or delivers services in more than one country. It can also be referred to as an international corporation. The International Labour Organization (ILO) has defined[citation needed] an MNC as a corporation that has its management headquarters in one country, known as the home country, and operates in several other countries, known as host countries.

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Q: What is a mnc country?
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How can an MNC affect its host country?

An MNC can affect its host country by providing it with more jobs and work opportunities for its people. However it can take many resources from its host country.

What is an MNC?

An MNC (Multinational corporation) is a corporation that has its management headquarters in one country, known as the home country, and operates in several other countries, known as host countries.

What is the home country of Microsoft MNC?

Washington D.C United States

Which country does Nike mnc belong to?

i think it's Vietnam

Is wipro a MNC?

Yes, Wipro is a MNC

What does Pharma MNC mean?

the pharma company who does business in more than one country

How mnc boosts the economy?

MNC boosts the economy by being contributors of taxes that uplift a country's economy. These multinational companies provide jobs thus reduce unemployment rate, too.

What is the difference between MNC and NGO?

A multinational corporation (MNC) is a type of non-governmental organization (NGO) that works for a profit and originates from one country, identifying itself with one national income.

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Does Reliance industry is an MNC or not?

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What are the main features of MNC companies?

1.Centralized management:-A MNC has its headquarter in the home country. It expands its business to other countries so it can easily manage companies.2.World Wide Spread of Business:-The business of the MNC is spread worldwide.3.Better Quality Product:-A MNC has to compete on world level therfore has to pay special attention on the quality.4. Formation:- MNC is similar to joint stock company & its formed or registered under company Act of respective country.5. Huge capital:- MNC are able to raise huge capital by issuing share to general public within in or outside the country6. Employed:- MNC is mainly employees higely qualified and professional persons . They are appointed on basis of merit.7. Multiple oprations- MNC caring multiple operation such as manufacturing, marketing, finance, advertisement, marketing and research etc.8. Better standard of living:- MNC contribute in batter standard of living in two ways (i) By providing employment (ii) by providing quality of product at low cost.9. Transfer of resources:- MNC helps to transfer the resources such as modern technology, skilled and professionals person, raw material etc from advance country to those country in which they operate there activities.Read more: What_are_the_features_of_MNCs

Challenge of compensation management in MNC?

Challenges of MNc