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Few economic opportunities and increasing industrialization in the cities.

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Q: What is a major cause or rural decline in Mexico?
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What is the Cause of rural decline in Mexico?

Few economic opportunities and increasing industrialization

How can you use the word rural decline in a sentence with the term Mexico city?

Your Mom is rural decline in mexico city =P

Why is most of Mexico urban?

Rural decline and immigration into the cities are the main reason; this is because Mexico is in the middle of an industrialization process.

Write a sentence that includes the term rural decline and the term Mexico City?

d ngsing nd

A direct cause of the formation of the bracero program?

The direct cause of the formation of the Bracero Program was decline of the rural population. The southwest saw the biggest drop in this population.

What are the differences between urban and rural life in modern Mexico?

THIS IS FOR MODERN MEXICO!!!! Urban life in Mexico is mostly having more cattle or more money than people who were Rural, but I would have to say that the rural community is further out than the urban places urban places are closer to major cities and markets

Where are 2 major areas where people in Mexico have migrated?

In Mexico? Mexico City in particular and the Central Mexical Plateau in general have been the destinations for most rural-to-urban migrant workers.

What are the effects of rural decline?

new markets, stores,

What is a rural city in Mexico?

By definition, there are no rural cities.

How much of Mexico's population is rural?

Approximately 25% of Mexico's population live in rural areas.

Which is a major cause of tropical deforestation in Central America?

the leading cause has been the need to clear rural lands for cattle pasture

What are the ratings and certificates for Rural Mexico - 1935?

Rural Mexico - 1935 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Approved (PCA #0665)