Puerto Rico does not have a president, it has a governor.
There is no President of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is part of the US, so the President of the United States is the head of state for Puerto Rico, as for the rest of the US.
The President of Puerto Rico is now Barack Obama.
He is the President of the United States and Puerto Rico is a US Territory.
The first US President of Puerto Rico was William McKinley.
It does not have a Prime Minister but is led by Governor Luis Fortuno.As a US Territory, matters of State are handled by the State Department. The internal affairs are taken care of by the Governor.
Puerto Rico is not an indepentent nation. PR is part of United States. The official name of Puerto Rico is Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. All Puerto Ricans are American citizens. The currency of PR is the dollar. The President of Puerto Rico is Barack Obama, President Of United States of America.
No. Puerto Rico is a US territory. All Puerto Ricans are US citizen at birth. Puerto Rico president is Barack Obama.
Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States. So the U.S. President Barack Obama is its chief of state. However, Puerto Rico's government is headed by its appointed governor who is Alejandro Garcia Padilla. There is no office or position called "President of Puerto Rico."
The president of Puerto Rico is the president of the United States, Mr Obama.
No she is not.
President's Task Force on Puerto Rico's Status was created in 1898.