Glock 22,23,27. Swat uses sig gsr 1911
Assuming you have a license from the copyright holder to print the song in your book, you would hold the rights for the book as a compilation.
You can only copyright a song if you are the song's author. You can't copyright someone else's song. Although the author can sell you their copyright.
100-500 USD or so
There are many works by that title. The 1929 song will be protected through 2024.
No, but a new work based on a PD song can be protected by copyright. A new translation, setting, arrangement, etc may be copyrightable. A common example would be the traditional Shaker song "Simple Gifts," which is in the public domain, and Aaron Copland's popular orchestral setting "Variations on a Shaker Melody," which is protected by copyright.
No evidence it is except for a DVD release stating 26 episodes were. Certainly not if the copyright was properly renewed and for a show that big I expect it is not PD.
What is hydrogen in pd metal?
1700.34 dollars at PD coin dealership.
HeadFirst PD was created in 1992.
PD Ports was created in 1840.