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That would be a harbor.

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Q: What is a body of water sheltered by natural or artificial barriers it can provide safe anchorage and can permit the safe transfer of cargo and passengers from a large ship to the shore?
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What is a body of water sheltered by natural or artificial barriers?

A body of water sheltered by natural or artificial barriers is called a lagoon. Lagoons are typically separated from the open sea by sandbars, coral reefs, or barrier islands, providing calm and protected waters. These sheltered environments are often home to diverse marine life and serve as important ecosystems.

What caused Charles drew to say excellence of performance will transcend artificial barriers created by man?

The artificial barriers in the quote represented discrimination.

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A global type of organisation in which artificial geographic barriers are eliminated.

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Some artificial geographical barriers that exist include trenches dug around flat grounds to deter the movement of tanks and military transport vehicles. Others include walls, such as the great wall of China.

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Flood barriers

What do people sometimes use to build artificial levees to prevents serious flooding?

Flood barriers

What is a sheltered bay?

A sheltered bay is a natural harbor or cove that is protected from strong waves, wind, and currents by surrounding land formations or barriers. These bays provide calm waters and serve as safe anchorages for boats and ships, as well as habitats for marine life.

Is there a functional force field?

There are currently no means by which artificial energy barriers like those in science fiction can be generated.

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The seven barriers of proper communication are the following: Physical barriers, perceptual barriers, emotional barriers, cultural barriers, language barriers, gender barriers, and interpersonal barriers.

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Removing artificial barriers for success in life can lead to increased opportunities, equitable access to resources, and an environment where individuals can thrive based on their capabilities and merits. It promotes diversity, inclusion, and innovation by allowing people to reach their full potential without being held back by arbitrary obstacles. Ultimately, it can result in a more fair and just society where everyone has a chance to succeed.

What are the 4 types of business breaking barriers with IT?

Time barriers, geographic barriers, cost barriers, structural barriers.

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-many firms - few artificial barriers to entry - slight control over price - differentiated products