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Q: What is Vermont Capitol?
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What is Vermont's state capitol?

The Capitol of Vermont is Montpelier.

What is the capatol of Vermont?

Montpelier is the capitol of Vermont.

What is capitol of Vermont?


Were is montpelelier?

Montepelier is the capitol of Vermont

What states capitol is Montpelier?


Is the golden dome on Vermont's Capitol building real gold?

Yes, the gold on the Vermont State Capitol Building really is gold

What is the capitol of the State of Vermont?

Montpelier. Montpelier.

Is there a McDonald in the capitol of Vermont?

There are no McDonalds in Montpelier, Vermont. It is the only U.S. state capital that does not have a McDonalds.

Who designed Vermont's state capitol building?

Thomas Silloway was the architect who used some of the earlier design by Ammi B. Young who designed Vermont's second capitol building.

Which country is montpellier in?

France It is also the capitol of Vermont (USA)

What state has the capitol of montpeleir?

Montpelier is the capital city of Vermont.

What is the name of the city with the capitol of montpelier?

Montpelier is the capital city of Vermont.