Dydd Sul
Sharyn Ghidella and Bill McDonald (News), Pat Welsh (Sport) Saturday, Shane Webcke (Sport) Sunday and Kendall Gilding (Weather) (Saturday to Sunday) and Paul Burt (Fishing and Boating Reports) (Saturday to Sunday)
Palm SundayJoh 12:13 took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him, and cried out: "Hosanna! 'BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!' The King of Israel!"
I know for a fact that people in Wales are called Welsh.
You can say "I am Welsh" by simply stating "I am Welsh" in English. In Welsh, you would say "Cymraeg ydw i" (I am Welsh).
Welsh dragon in Welsh is "draig Goch".
The Welsh word for "Welsh" is Cymraeg :)
'gyda dy Gymraeg di' is 'with your Welsh'
"Na" is the word for "no" in Welsh.
ymchwil Gymreig = Welsh research ymchwil Gymraeg = Welsh language research
Bill McDonald (News) (Solo) Monday to Friday, Rod Young and Kay McGrath (News) Saturday to Sunday, Shane Webcke (Sport) Sunday to Wednesday, Pat Welsh (Sport) Thursday to Saturday, Tony Auden (Weather) Monday To Friday and Paul Burt (Weather) Saturday to Sunday.
No Welsh equivalent.