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they see them through barb wire and land mines.

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Q: What is South Korea's view of North Korea?
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How did president Truman view the communists invasion of south Korea?

Truman was a proponent of containing Communism and attempted to stop the spread from North Korea to South Korea.

Was it north Korea that invaded south Korea or was it south Korea that invaded north Korea?

North Korea invaded South Korea. Exactly, the Korean war started by North Korean army's attack to the 38th parallel (a line of latitude used to divide the Korean Peninsula) at about 4AM on June 25, 1950. However, North Korean propaganda claims that South Korea attacked first. (No country outside of North Korea agrees with this view.)

Why were there 2 Korea in noreth Korea?

Korea is divided into 2 sections. north Korea and south Korea. they speak the same language, Korean, and they have the same ancestors. it was divided after their independence from japan. north Koreans are communists and south Korea's political view is democracy.

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Why was South Korea fighting North Korea?

The North Korean government argues that South Korea is not actually an independent country, but is a puppet state and a colony of the United States of America. The war against South Korea is, in their view, a war of liberation to bring southern Korea out of imperialist control and back to domestic Korean control. South Korea refuses to submit to the North Korean government. These two opposing wills lead to war.Contrary to the view in the Community Answer, there is no peace treaty or recognition between North and South Korea, simply an Armistice that was signed in 1953. The armistice ended the actual fighting with a ceasefire, which is simply a "pause" in the war, not its termination.

Which nation is the least multicultural?

Possibly North Korea. The government strictly bans foreign culture, including popular and academic culture from South Korea. You should read "The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans View Themselves and Why It Matters" by author B.R. Myers.

Who are all the enemies of the United States?

Citizens of the United States view China, North Korea, Korea, and Iran as their greatest enemies.

Is America at war with North Korea?

Yes and no. America is aiding South Korea in setting up a defensive system called THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense). THAAD works in a fashion similar to the Iron Dome in Israel. It detects incoming missiles and fires an interceptor that destroys the missile with kinetic energy. North Korea, who is known firing on South Korea, has stated that implementing the THAAD system is an act of war. Kim Jong Un, leader of North Korea, has declared war on the United States and South Korea. He has made comments about sinking South Korea into the sea until nothing is left but flames. The US or South Korea currently has no intentions of taking the system down, and both say it is for defensive measures only. Secretary of State John Kerry has stated, "THAAD Is a purely defensive weapon, it is purely capable of shooting down a ballistic missile it intercepts and it is there for the protection of the United States." He was referring to US troops stationed in South Korea. In short, North Korea has declared war on the United States, but the United States is maintaining a role of defensive actions only.

What was Israel's view towards North Korea being communist?

It depends on how the question is being asked. If it is asking whether or not Israel supports North Korea as it currently stands with a Communist government or agrees with North Korea's claim to the entire peninsula, the answer is No. The two countries do not recognize each other. Israel actually supports South Korea and its claim to the entire peninsula. Israeli politicians have called North Korea part of the Axis of Evil and have noted North Korea's assistance to Arab countries opposed to Israel's interests. If it is asking what Israel's perspective is on whether North Korea should be Communist or some other regime-type, Israel never issued any formal statement describing what kind of government North Korea should have or should not have. Israel has only ever asked that North Korea be less belligerent.

What was the point of view on slavery for both the north and the south?

The north disliked it and prohibited it and the south liked it and allowed it.

Is North Korea Good Or bad?

North Korea was the enemy of the United States during the Korean War. They are currently hostile toward the United States.As far as being good or bad. They're good in their own mindset. They're good compared to Vietnam, Russia, China, Venezuela, and Thailand. They're as good as their believes lead them to be. However the government, being Communist, is flawed, the leaders are corrupt, the people are stricken with poverty, and North Korea holds nuclear weapons of mass destruction.

Why is South Korea called the Republic of Korea?

There are two parts of this question. The first is why the term "Republic" is involved in the title and the second is why the word "South" is not in the title."Republic" is part of the name since South Korea has a republican form of government, with a legislature and presidency. During the Cold War, it was an authoritarian republic, but since 1987, it has been a true democracy."South" is a laymen's way of distinguishing the two governments in Korea, because the democratic government controls the territory to the south of the communist government. However, the South Korean government claims that it is the sole legitimate government in Korea and reserves the right to control the entire peninsula, not just the southern half. (The North Korean government has the same view, that it reserves the right to control the whole peninsula.) As a result, the official name of the country reflects that the current government's ideal is to rule the entire peninsula.