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Oklahoma is the state created from an area called The Indiam Territory.

The Indian Territory was where Indians were collected and punished for just being Indians. They were expected to change their way of life to suit the white mans way and become (civilized). This was done by isolating them from family and their tribal lands. Indians from all areas of the of the United States were herded to the territory. See Trail of Tears, Cherokee; Chief Joseph, Nez Pierce.

At the same time the United States was killing and suppressing Indians, Canada was willing to negotiate and keep their promises to the Indians. Canada never had the need to fight the Indians the way the U.S. did.

The North American Indians recognised the International Border between Canada and the U.S. Knowing that they would be killed or transported to reservations for just being Indian. If they could cross into Canada they would be allowed to stay and be taken care of.

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Q: What is Oklahoma and Indian territory?
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None, when the United States admitted Oklahoma as a state in 1907, all titles to "Indian Territory" were extinguished (the treaty was violated).

Why was oklahoma once known as the indian territory?

Because that was the area designated by Congress to be the territory into which Indian tribes were to be relocated.