Translates as "Parliament of Norway", "The Great Assembly" or "The Great Thing" ('Thing' in the sense of 'folkmoot', an official gathering).
See related links.
Arbeiderpartiet (64) (Labor, red) + In Government, got Prime Minister.
Fremskrittspartiet (41) (Who knows? Liberal, popular)
Høyre (30) (Right, blue)
Sosialistisk Venstreparti(11) (Socialist, red, environmental) + In Gorvernment
Kristelig Folkeparti (10) (Christian, somewhat conservative, "family" oriented)
Senterpartiet (11) (center, rural) + In Goverment
Venstre (2) (liberal, "the third way" (trying to mix socialist and liberalism)
Executive power (ruling government)
"Den rød-grønne regjeringen" (The red-green parliament, except it's not correct to call the executive government parliament.
It consists of:
Arbeiderpartiet (Labor, majority, got prime minister)
Sosialistisk Venstreparti (Socialistic left, socialistic, environmental)
Senterpartiet (Center, agricultural, decentralization)
The main legislative body is Parliament.
The main Virginian legislative body is called the House of Burgess.
The main legislative body in South Korea is called the National Assembly. It is a unicameral body of about 300 members.
What is the main legislative body called in Brazil?
national ammbely
british empire
The Scottish Parliament.
The main legislative body of Japan is called is the National Diet. It is a bicameral parliament. Japan's head political power is held by the Prime Minister.
The main legislative body of Venezuela is National Ammbely.
The Scottish Parliament.