What is Nicaraguas nationality?
baseball is one of them
Roman Catholic is the dominent religion in Nicaragua.
Nicaragua's moto is further beyond , further yet, more beyond.
Bananas, Chemicals, Coffee, Cotton, Gold, Meat, Shellfish and Sugar.
Predominantly Roman Catholic, with rapidly growing percentage of Evangelical Protestants.
Nicaragua is found in Central America. Nicaragua is bordered by Honduras to the north and Costa Rica to the south.
The first head of state of Nicaragua was Manuel Antonio de la Cerda y Aguilar. He was head of state from April 1825 to April 1826.
The Nicaraguas temperatures vary between 72degreesF at night and 86degreesF during the day. (central-9degreesF and the north mountains are about 18degreesF.
Black soil, red soil, laterite soil, alluvial soil, and desert soil.