Justin Bieber
Spain (Florida and Texas) , Russia (Alaska), Britain (NE Colonies)
In the NE (north east) of BrazilxDIn the NE (north east) of BrazilxD
The driving distance between North Platte, NE and Aspen, CO is approximately 440 miles.
456 miles taking this route:Take I-80 WEST to NE-71 to KIMBALL and SCOTTSBLUFF at EXIT 20.Turn right off the exit ramp onto NE-71 NORTH. Take NE-71 NORTH to Scottsbluff.
You would have to specify a continent or other region. The countries in NE North America are Canada and Greenland, part of Denmark. The countries in NE South America are Brazil and the Guianas : Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana (part of France). The countries in NE Asia are Russia, China, Japan, and North and South Korea. The countries in NE Europe are Poland, Belarus, and Russia, and the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The countries in NE Africa are Libya, Egypt, Chad, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Somalia, and could include technically Asian countries of the Middle East : Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian state.
North north east
The abbreviation for the Northeast region of the United States is NE.
South America
From the northeast.
North America
North America