SIVECO Romania's population is 750.
The population of Ubisoft Romania is 2,010.
The population of UPC Romania is 2,009.
After the census from 20.10.2011 the Romania population is 20.121.141.
The population of GDF Suez Romania is 2,007.
The population of GDF Suez Romania is 7,698.
The population of E.ON Gaz Romania is 500.
E.ON Gaz Romania's population is 2,007.
The density of population in Romania is 84,4/km2.
The population of Romania in 2012 was approx. 20 100 000.
Thr population of Romania is approx. 21 00 000.
After the census of October 2011 the population of Romania is probable 21 500 000.